Saturday, April 5, 2008


Well, i think I forgot to post something for the past 2 days and I cannot remember everything i've eaten... I pretty much cleaned out the fridge today so my lunch consisted of everything left in there :) For breakfast i had a grapefruit - this is my normal breakfast. So, i went shopping this afternoon for some good veggies! I had a nice Taco Salad for dinner - I made this with mixed greens, chopped onion, diced cucumbers, halved grape tomatoes and then i made a taco meat that consisted of ground up sunflower seeds and a kalamata olive tepenade. If you mix them together with some olive oil, it comes out looking like ground beef! Then, i drizzed the salad with my favorite dressing - it's just a blended up red pepper with some sesame oil and a little cayenne. I love this salad - thank you Bryan Au! I would normally make a guacamole to go with this salad, but i'm trying to stick with only one fat per meal (if any), so it's either the guacamole/avacado or the taco meat and tonight i wanted that taco meat - my family had taco's tonight. I was fixing my son's taco - which consists of the meat and cheese - and without even realizing it, i ate a pinch of cheese. I wasn't even craving it or wanting it, it was just out of habit. So, i felt really bad after that :( I've been feeling great these past few days of eating 100% raw... I haven't even wanted anything that wasn't raw! So, it was just really disappointing for me to have eaten that cheese tonight. I mean, if i were to choose something non-raw to eat, it wouldn't have been cheese! However, after eaten that bite of cheese, now i want chocolate... but, i'm resisting that! I'll make myself some more Almond Joy's tomorrow w/ some chocolate sauce. I wish there were some inexpensive and tasty choices for "bad" snacks to keep on hand. I wasn't a huge fan of the raweo, so that's not an option. If anyone knows of any good pre-made snacks to keep on hand, please let me know!!! I'm in the process of making something like a "chip" right now. I ground up flax seed and then added some sesame seeds and then i made a mixture of Red Curry Paste, Miso, Sesame Oil, Water, Onion powder... i think that's it. Then, i mixed it and spread it onto the teflex sheet. It's almost dry and should be done tomorrow when i get home from church... I'm also in the process of making some fresh salsa for it. I plan on that pretty much being my lunch :) I know it's not the healthiest, but i really want to have some! Anyway, i've got to get to bed now. I'll try to be better about posting on here everyday...

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